Basic vs. Advanced Purchase Order System


The Purchase Order System is designed for two different approaches to managing purchasing - Centralized and Decentralized. Both the basic and advanced versions of the software allow either of these approaches.

  • The Centralized configuration assumes that you have a central point, such as a purchasing department, that approves all purchase orders before sending them off to the vendor. The ordering departments fill out a requisition form for the products they want and the purchasing department uses a consolidated worksheet to decide whether or not to issue a PO, make a transfer or cancel the requisition.
  • The Decentralized approach assumes that you want to allow your branches to issue Purchase Orders directly, without approval from another deparment.
  • Once the purchase order is issued, the process of receiving and accounting for orders is the same under either of the two approaches.

Basic Purchase Order System provides you with the following abilities:

  • Requisition products - Centralized Version
  • Draft and issue Purchase Orders.
  • Record Receivers

Advanced Purchase Order System provides additional abilities:

  • Reconcile vendor invoice lines with receivers.
  • Future Cash Flow Requirements
  • Record transfers of products between departments or stores.
  • Accounting journals for purchasing and transfers.

All of these programs are customizable to your particular situation. My major goal is to improve my client's business by improving their business processes.

To sign up for the Free Basic PO Package.   Go To»  Signup Page

To sign up for the Advanced PO Package or a customized approach, give me a call.    Go To»  Contact Information